Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring Break

The kiddos are on Spring Break from preschool this week, so we have been busy filling our days with fun and friends! No slowing down for this nearly 30 week preggo Mommy!

Monday was filled with running errands and a nice long visit with Daddy at the fire station. It is awesome when your Daddy has the coolest job in the world to (almost) four year olds! The fire station is one big playground!

Tuesday was spent as a family day. We ventured up to Latta Plantation and enjoyed a picnic by the lake. Our intentions were to visit the Raptor Center, but Ella and Aidan were having so much fun at the lake that we just stayed there and eventually headed home in time to make the afternoon showing of the movie Hop (an Easter themed kids movie).

Wednesday we ventured out with "the boys" to pick strawberries at a local farm. We do this every Spring and the kids always have so much fun!

Today hit me like a ton of bricks. I am exhausted and made the decision to stay home and have a "pajama day".

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