Monday, November 22, 2010

Where I've Been

I have been a terrible blogger lately.

I have not taken a single picture of my own children since I took their Christmas pictures three weeks ago.

And that is a new record for me.

Why the sudden drop in blogging and photo taking of the tots?

I have been busy as a bee over here....

... taking pictures for everyone else under the sun for their own holiday cards and celebrations!

I published a little holiday special on my CMOMs board, and business has exploded. I know it is primarily just a holiday rush, but I have had so many people refer me to even more people outside of CMOMs that I literally have had every moment filled on each weekend and most days when Ella and Aidan are in school.

I am not much of one for trying to make excuses - but am a firm believer in apologies when they are due - I am sorry friends, family and loyal blog readers! 

I promise to be back to the land of regular blogging soon!

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