Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I Want to Remember

* I want to remember your cute little round face. Your cheeks are not as puffy as when you were really little, but they sure are still perfectly squeezable! And you can make the cutest little sly grin when you are being coy!
* I want to remember your wonderful scent when you wake up from a nap. It’s like a baby / drool / deep sleep kind of scent that is unique to you and only you.
* I want to remember your sweet, sweet nature. You have the kindest heart and not a mean bone in your body. You are going to be such a loyal friend and husband one day.
* I want to remember how we still hear you “thump” in your crib at night. You have done this since you were about 8 weeks old. Back then, you would take great delight in lifting both of your legs and slamming them down at the same time. It made such a racket! Today, you do the exact same thing, but either with your head or feet, and you do it on the solid headboard part of our crib.
* I want to remember your passion for exploring. Never one to sit still, you are always on the go and checking out every nook and cranny, every path and object along that path.
* I want to remember how quiet you are these days. You don’t really talk too much yet, but every so often you let us know that you have been paying attention all along and will say a word we had no idea that you knew.
* I want to remember your new habit - you have started walking around with your hands clasped behind your back – like a little man deep in thought! So cute!
* I want to remember that when sitting you always cross your feet at the ankles.
* I want to remember your “lip test” for testing out any food that you may actually consider edible
* I want to remember what a Daddy’s Boy you are. You're favorite person has to be Daddy. You don't get to see him enough right now, so when he is home, you want to be in his arms. Mommy doesn't have any rank when Daddy is around.
* I want to remember how funny you are when you truly start laughing. You simply get so caught up in giggling that you cannot maintain your balance and always fall over. That, in itself, is funny!

* I want to remember you as a Mommy’s girl. To this day at 19 months old, you still prefer me over all others. I know that one day it will change, but for now, I cherish being the one you turn to in all situations.
* I want to remember your temper, temper, temper! It is your way or no way at all these days. Many have now witnessed one of your little fits, and they are not a pleasant experience! However, as exasperating as they can be, I am proud that you have such a fierce ability to defend yourself and speak your mind. You will certainly be a challenge as you get older, but I am at peace knowing that once you make your way into the world you will not let anyone else ever take advantage of you and that you will be a strong, confident young woman.
* I want to remember how you hold the phone to your ear and say “yello?”
* I want to remember your sweet little “no, no”.
* I want to remember how much you LOVE to be on the swings!
* I want to remember how you love to make a fish face, and love to give butterfly kisses.
* I want to remember just how much you are already talking. You no longer babble much at all…it is all words these days. They may not sound exactly like the adult version of words, but they are close enough – and you know what they mean and are very clear about expressing your wishes! You also attempt to repeat everything that we say!
* I want to remember how my heart just melts when you call me Mommy. You just started calling us Mommy and Daddy in the past few weeks, and it is the most amazing music to my ears. For so long, I never thought I would hear that word.
* I want to remember how you love to point out people in pictures. You love to point out Mommy, Daddy, “AAeee” (Aidan) and “Lala” (that is what you call yourself). And I love that when we ask you “What is your name?” - you answer!!
* I want to remember how polite you are – you have such wonderful manners already! You are so cute when you hand us something and say “dank do”. To top it off, you have the cutest little southern accent with certain words (such as pie, bite and ball).
* I want to remember that at such a young age, you already have the desire to clean and organize. You love to help me clean up, and are constantly bringing us tiny pieces of dirt that you find on the floor.

* I want to remember the toddler squat.
* I want to remember how much you adore your pink and blue bunnies.
* I want to remember your thirst for life and how everything new and exciting. And your sweet, still untainted by the world, innocence.
* I want to remember the sound of squeals of laughter when playing together.
* I want to remember how you are such copy cats.
* I want to remember your love of reading books! Your favorites right now include Goodnight Moon, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, anything by Sandra Boynton (Moo Baa La and Blue Hat Green Hat specifically), Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?, The Little Fur Family, and Rainbow Peek a Boo.
* I want to remember your newfound sense of humor and how you love to try and make us laugh.
* I want to remember the chaos of having you both run off in different directions when I am alone and trying to manage everything – it’s as if you are challenging me to see how I will handle it and see who I chase first.
* I want to remember how much you love to take a bath – and how you both always ask for “mo bubble”.
* I want to remember how easy it is to put you down for a nap and to bed at night. There is no crying, no fussing at all these days – you both just lie down with your bunny and your blanket and go to sleep.
* I want to remember how funny you are after baths. You love to wear your hooded towels (a dog and a cat) and make the animal noises while chasing each other around the room.

1 comment:

Juliane M. Kilcoyne said...

Jen, It's 6 am on Christmas morning. everyone is still sleeping and Im already showered, dressed and hiding in my room reading your blog.

This post was such a wonderful way to start the holiday. It was Beautiful. Aidan and Ella are so blessed to have you for their mother. I hope you have an amazing Christmas with your amazing children and make more wonderful memories. I love you, girl! MERRY CHRISTMAS