Saturday, June 23, 2012

Words and Books

The twins and I have been diligently working on a new skill here in the Parker household. Books have always been a favorite past time, but they have recently taken on an entirely new meaning!

Yes, Ella and Aidan are beginning to read!

They read signs, billboards, our daily mail - anything they can get their sweet little eyes upon. I am amazed at their progress just since this video was taken in early June....

....they are also LOVING our new nightly ritual. Each night we read a few chapters from The Magic Treehouse series of books. I thought it was about time that they could begin to understand chapters in books, and I was right! Before we begin each new chapter, I ask them what happened in last night's adventures with Jack and Annie (the main characters)..and Ella and Aidan remember every last detail!

I am so proud of them....Ella and Aidan are blossoming right before my eyes and it is a bittersweet feeling to watch my first born duo take their first leap into truly being "big kids".

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