Saturday, October 1, 2011


Happy 3 months, sweet baby girl!!

Suddenly we have been catapulted from newborn to infant! I could easily ramble on about how that breaks my heart, but I think I will choose to celebrate it instead. We have been so blessed by you, our amazing and unexpected surprise miracle. Our lives changed far beyond anything we ever expected and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
No matter how difficult the day before might have been, each day brings a new adventure and each day begins with your morning smile.  Yep, you wake each morning happy, smiling and ready to go! You slept through the night on Tuesday, and we are hoping for a repeat performance again soon! But really, we cannot complain about your overnight sleep habits -  you are typically asleep for the night by around 8:30 PM, wake to eat once between 2:00-3:00 AM, and then are up for the day between 6:30 - 7:30 AM.

You most definitely have found your voice and love to talk - cooing, gigling and smiling as we have long conversations about all sorts of fun topics.  Drool is still abundant, and you can most often be found with your left hand in your mouth - no pacifier can come close your love affair with your hand!

You are such a happy, sweet, easy baby!  Bless your heart - I feel so bad for you that I cannot give you the same regulated and predictable routine that your big brother and sister had. It never fails that the time you need to take your morning nap is precisely when I need to get everyone into the car to leave for preschool....and the same thing happens again in the afternoon for pick up. You do your best going with the flow, but really do not get the opportunity for a good morning nap, and thus catnap throughout the morning, often crashing by 2 PM for a longer (sometimes) afternon nap at home.

Ella and Aidan were recently sick with bad colds (as was I), and despite my best efforts, it seems that you have cought a bit of a runny nose.  Needless to say, I took you to the pediatrician yesterday just to make sure that you didnt have an ear infection.  Luckily, all was well.....and we weighed you just for fun - 13.5 pounds!

We just moved you into a size 2 diaper, and you are comfortably in 3-6 month clothing and taking 4 ounces per bottle roughly 6 times a day.

Things you love:
Ella and Aidan (with an extra soft spot for Ella)
Being worn in either the Ergo or Baby K'Tan
Being outside
Sitting up and facing out
Bath time

Things you could care less for:
Tummy time
Being overstimulated
Having to wait for a bottle (that is when we experience what we call "mad baby")
Getting your fingernails clipped

Your extra chins just crack me up - you are so similar to Aidan at this age - we used to find all sorts of gook under those chins, and you are no different!  Your big brown eyes and long lashes capture the attention of everyone who takes one glance at you - and most admirers are met with a huge grin!

You still do not like to be on your tummy, and have recently begun insisting that you pull your legs up when flat on your back (like in the above picture), even rolling to your side a few times.

We love you little one, and are so excited to watch you grow!

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