Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Definitely Not Camera Shy

We were playing around on the floor before dinner last night, and Ella and Aidan were in such great moods that I whipped out the camera in the hopes of getting a few cute shots. Little did I know that they have turned into such camera fanatics. The very moment I pointed the camera towards them, this is what they did!

PS - In case you are wondering about the lack of clothing...they do wear clothes all day long...but I learned early on to feed dinner in just a diaper. I was tired of ruining outfits with baby food stains that just wont come out......the orange stains (sweet potaoes, carrots, etc) are the worst!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Zapatas vs. Miro

Well, despite what I said in an earlier post about being wary of trying new foods for the babies before getting Dr. approval, I suppose that Grandma Suzy approval is just as good (if not better)!

Opa and Grandma Suzy came to visit last weekend, and we actually went out to dinner - with the babies! We had to go early (5 PM) so as not to mess with their bedtime routine too much, but they sure did great! My little babies are turning into little people!

While we ate, they snacked on a few bites of guacamole, cheese quesadilla, and of course, lemons! The next day we went to lunch at my favorite restaurant - Miro. Once again, they were wonderful and snacked on bits of bread and boiled chicken.

The pictures above are from our outings. You can see from the pictures that the menus were a big hit. Aidan seems to prefer Mexican food while Ella seems to prefer Spanish food.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lemons and Sippy Cups!

We love lemons!! - I am so very proud of both Ella and Aidan - they both mastered the use of their sippy cups nearly a month ago. (Ella's hand looks scrunched in the picture because she has a handful of puffs!) Of course, if left unattended, Aidan often prefers to use his as a battering device on his sister's head. They can also feed themselves - and love to eat puffs, zweiback toast and arrowroot cookies.

I am wary of adding new things without Dr approval, but it certainly looks like we may be heading towards introducing some "real people" foods before too long.

They are so funny to watch develop. Having just one baby must be amazing to watch, but two at the same time is doubly priceless. Aidan is so close to crawling...he rolls all over the place, and gets so frustrated because he just can't quite seem to figure out how to coordinate his arms and legs to actually go anywhere. Ella, on the other hand, displays absolutely no desire to go anywhere. She just sits like a little princess and prefers that things be brought to her.

I have been told numerous times to enjoy their lack of mobility while I can!!

Wintery Mix

Well, the babies have had their first official snow day! We woke up this morning to a light dusting of snow (that quickly disappeared as the rain took over)!! It was just too wet and cold to take them outside, but they enjoyed their breakfast surrounded by snow.

The other picture is what happend when I am home alone and I have one baby sick and teething and the other baby refusing to sleep in her crib! Yes, I give in and bring them both in bed with me in the interest of salvaging any sleep possible.

Oh - we took them for their second half of their flu shots yesterday, and asked the nurse if we could weigh them just for kicks - are you ready for this?

First - remember that they are just over 8 months old.

Aidan weighs 24 pounds and Ella is 20 pounds!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

More From Christmas

Uncle Chris and Aunt Emily sent us a CD of the pictures that they took over Christmas, and they are so good that I couldn't resist adding a few.

The presents Ella and Aidan are unwrapping (well, that Ella is eating) are wonderful pewter rattles from Great Aunt Mimi that she had engraved with their names and birthdate. They were an instant hit!


PS - My next post will be the babies eating lemons and using their sippy cups.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, the Holidays are over. We got home yesterday afternoon and I have now finished my 10th load of laundry. We had quite a time this year. We are so sad that the week is over.

After a 16 hour car ride in each direction (6 hours on one day, 10 the next - then reversed on the return trip), we are exhausted. Not quite sure that MIke or I really got any sort of break, but nonetheless, who can complain when you are in a place as fantastic as we were. St. George Island is void of all the typical beach neon signs or crowded beaches. In fact, it almost seemed as though we were the only ones on the island! Way to go Opa for picking a location so pristine and magical!

The babies did phenominally...on both the car rides and all week long. They slept wonderfully, and they sure do love the beach! Ella simply could not eat enough sand (yep - straight in the mouth) and Aidan spent his time gathering as much sand as he could all around him. It was such a thrill to put their feet in the sand and surf for the first time (though the water was a bit chilly)!

Highlights of the week include:
  • Both Ella and Aidan learned to feed themselves finger foods

  • Both Ella and Aidan managed their sippy cups alone for the first time

  • Both Ella and Aidan LOVE to eat lemons!! (pictures to come later)

  • Having the whole family together in a wonderful location one last time before the babies gain the understanding of the concept of presents!!
The pictures above are snippets from our week, including the sunset after a wonderful Christmas Day.