Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lemons and Sippy Cups!

We love lemons!! - I am so very proud of both Ella and Aidan - they both mastered the use of their sippy cups nearly a month ago. (Ella's hand looks scrunched in the picture because she has a handful of puffs!) Of course, if left unattended, Aidan often prefers to use his as a battering device on his sister's head. They can also feed themselves - and love to eat puffs, zweiback toast and arrowroot cookies.

I am wary of adding new things without Dr approval, but it certainly looks like we may be heading towards introducing some "real people" foods before too long.

They are so funny to watch develop. Having just one baby must be amazing to watch, but two at the same time is doubly priceless. Aidan is so close to crawling...he rolls all over the place, and gets so frustrated because he just can't quite seem to figure out how to coordinate his arms and legs to actually go anywhere. Ella, on the other hand, displays absolutely no desire to go anywhere. She just sits like a little princess and prefers that things be brought to her.

I have been told numerous times to enjoy their lack of mobility while I can!!

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