Sunday, January 22, 2012

Aidan's Trip to the ER

Thursday night brought about a first for the Parker household....croup officially made its' debut!

We had JUST managed to get the children and myself finally all healthy (the twins had ear infections and bronchitis, Lauren had ear infections, and I was diagnosed with bronchitis and borderline pneumonia), and then Aidan came home from school with a runny nose.

He went to bed just fine, but woke up at about 9:15 in a coughing fit and when I walked into his room, the look of panic in his eyes spoke more than he ever needed....he could not breathe and it was bad. He managed to get out a few wheezes and desperate gasps for air as I grabbed him up and took him immediately downstairs, called Mike at worked and threatened calling 911 if he wasn't home in less than 3 minutes, and whisked him onto the front porch into the cold air. Though the croup had never entered our household before, but I knew enough about it to know that he needed either shower steam or cold air.

Mike made it home, took one look at him and ran with him out the door to the Emergency Room. I made it there shortly after once Grandmommy and Grandaddy arrived to stay with Ella and Lauren.

It was scary.....his breathing was retracted and he was using accessory muscles in order to breathe. But after a nice dose of steroids and a breathing treatment, he turned the corner and was back to his normal self in no time.

They kept us there for an few hours for observation, in which time he wanted to know all about every button and knob in the room, where the bathroom was, where the refrigerator was, what they did in each room, and on and on!

See....a little medication and he is happy and ready to go:

...and so, at about 1:20 AM, we were sent home.

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